풍력발전단지 손실 및 불확도 요소들이 순 연간발전량에 미치는 영향 분석
The net annual energy production(AEP) of a wind farm is affected by the several kind of factors as like many loss and uncertainty parameters during the measurement and analysis. In general, the loss model for the calculation of net AEP for a windfarm are composed as the wake effect, availability, electrical efficiency, turbine performance and etc. In addition, the parameters related on uncertainty of wind speed, wind variability, turbine sensitivity ratio and projected period are the main components for uncertainty analysis of AEP. In this paper, the effect by the above described parameter on the net AEP of a wind farm are analysed and compared by sensitivity method. By the result of this research, the wind farm analyst and investors could be have an important knowledge what is the most effective one among many parameters related on the loss and the uncertainty analysis for the calculation of net AEP of wind farm. In final, it is also wished the loss and uncertainty parameters can be regulated and controlled by the resultant information on the effectiveness of them during the estimation of the net AEP.