박용엔진 실린더 커버 스터드의 구조거동 분석

The cylinder cover stud of low-speed marine diesel engine is more than just a stud. It is a large structural element occasionally weighing over 200 ㎏ used for assembling the combustion chamber components. Therefore, to understand the structural behavior of the stud and design it safely is quite important considering a catastrophic failure which can be arisen from an inadequate use of it. In this paper, the analysis results of the structural behavior of the stud is introduced. Strain measurement results compared with FE analysis results are summarized. The results showed that 1) the stud stress increased with engine operating load, 2) the maximum stress amplitude was about 10 ㎫ which is far smaller than the stud's fatigue strength of 61 ㎫, 3) the stress ratio is higher than 0.9 and the stud's load factor is about 20 %, and 4) about 7 % of initial pressure tightening load was reduced while changing to a nut tightened condition.