Effects of Chitosan-Zinc Oxide Nanocomposite Conduit on Transected Sciatic Nerve: An Animal Model Study

Objective: To determine the effects of chitosan-zinc oxide nanocomposite conduit on transected sciatic nerve in animal model of rat. Methods: Sixty male White Wistar rats were used in this study. A 10-mm sciatic nerve defect was bridged using a chitosan-zinc oxide nanocomposite conduit (CZON) filled with phosphate buffered saline. In chitosan group (CHIT) the chitosan conduit was filled with phosphate buffered saline solution. In sham-operated group (SHAM), sciatic nerve was exposed and manipulated. In transected group (TC), left sciatic nerve was transected and nerve cut ends were fixed in the adjacent muscle. The regenerated fibers were studied within 12 weeks after surgery. Results: The behavioral and functional tests confirmed faster recovery of the regenerated axons in CZON group compared to Chitosan group ( p< 0.05). The mean ratios of gastrocnemius muscles weight were measured. There was statistically significant difference between the muscle weight ratios of CZON and Chitosan groups ( p< 0.05). Morphometric indices of regenerated fibers showed number and diameter of the myelinated fibers were significantly higher in CZON than in Chitosan. In immuohistochemistry, the location of reactions to S-100 in CZON was clearly more positive than Chitosan group. Conclusion: Chitosan-zinc oxide nanocomposite conduit resulted in acceleration of functional recovery and quantitative morphometric indices of sciatic nerve.