The First International Requirements to Safety of a Wing in Ground Craft

The histories' is described and summed up the works on creation of the first international requirements to safety of Wing in ground (WIG) Craft, initiated in the IMO in 1993 by the initiative of the Russian Federation. They include the 'Amendments to the COLREGS-72', which reflects operational aspects of WIG Craft, and the 'Interim guidelines for WIG Craft', which provides their designing and construction. The unusual technical and operational features of WIG Craft have demanded application of new approach including an estimation and control by risk. Continuation of these completed works is creation of IMO requirements to knowledge, skills and training of officers on WIG Craft, initiated in 2002. The main provisions of these IMO documents are considered. Is concluded that their creation has historical importance, as they stated an international recognition WIG Craft as a new perspective marine kind of transport, have ensured a legal basis for its further development and commercial operation and have announced officially practical birth of a new direction in a world maritime industry.