와인 바(Bar) 선택속성 연구

This study examined consumer`s selective attributes when they eat and drink out in wine bar; what kinds of selective standard they have, how much they were satisfied with their wine bar where they eat and drink, what they significant factors decide consumers` selective attributes of wine bars, what mutual relation the factors have. Then, a systematic analysis was comprehensibly conducted on the above issues, next, meaningful suggestion were examined to propose more desirable development directions that wine bars should follow in the future the general study results are as follows; First, when consumers select wine bars, their selective attributes begin with `quality of food`. And the examination of satisfactory factors proved that the wine menu, cleanliness, easy to access, side dishes and price` were very important in consumers` satisfaction degree with wine bars. Second, wine bar user`s selective attributes and consumers` general selective attributes are different from each other, so that sales strategies should advance to the consumer-centric direction with a consideration of these attributes. Particularly, the attributes of approach should be considered and sufficient parking facility need be furnished for the good of office workers who usually don`t have enough money. Third, significant difference were found between wine bar user`s selective attributes and general customers` satisfaction degrees by factor. The examination of all consumers` satisfaction degrees and their intention to re-visit the same wine bars told that the major factor that influence upon their satisfaction degree and re-visit intention was `services of employees`. Therefore, in order that wine bars might survive in the middle of a hard competition, above all, employees` service quality should be enhanced, various events should be hold with proper public ads, in particular, the level of service should increase in order to make consumers re-visit their wine bars.