The Challenges for Online Deliberation Research: A Literature Review

While pure deliberation has still not been found online, the field of online deliberation research is blossoming. Born out of the "frustrations and possibilities" of the 1990s, a current theme in the field is to re-link deliberative theory with empirical political science. The aim of this systematic literature review is to sort out and examine important features of this development; to identify and categorise important research themes and issues as well as to pinpoint some research gaps. Using citation analysis as a method for article selection, 788 abstracts were retrieved and out of these, 130 items were chosen for further analysis. First the review shows that researchers from several different disciplines are involved in the field and that these researchers are studying online deliberation in a variety of arenas aided by a wide range of methods. Second the review reveals that the field struggles with a highly diversified concept of deliberation; that newer theoretical developments are underutilised in the operationalisation of theoretical concepts for empirical analyses, and that it there is a rather low degree of cumulativity in the field. Finally, more attention is paid on deliberation per se, rather than the political and democratic consequences of deliberation.

[1]  Joachim Åström,et al.  Should democracy online be quick, strong, or thin? , 2001, CACM.

[2]  R. Kies,et al.  Online Forums and Deliberative Democracy , 2005 .

[3]  Scott Wright,et al.  A virtual European public sphere? The Futurum discussion forum , 2007 .

[4]  Lincoln Dahlberg The Internet, deliberative democracy, and power: Radicalizing the public sphere , 2007 .

[5]  Ji-Young Kim,et al.  The impact of Internet use patterns on political engagement: A focus on online deliberation and virtual social capital , 2006, Inf. Polity.

[6]  Young Min Baek,et al.  WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON? , 2009 .

[7]  Jennifer Stromer-Galley Measuring Deliberation’s Content: A Coding Scheme , 2007, Regular Issue.

[8]  S. Niemeyer,et al.  Disentangling Diversity in Deliberative Democracy: Competing Theories, their Blind Spots, and Complementarities , 2010 .

[9]  Joss Hands,et al.  E-deliberation and local governance: The role of computer mediated communication in local democratic participation in the United Kingdom , 2005, First Monday.

[10]  Sammy Basu Dialogic ethics and the virtue of humor , 1999 .

[11]  J. Dryzek Deliberative democracy and beyond : liberals, critics, contestations , 2000 .

[12]  Richard T. Watson,et al.  Analyzing the Past to Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review , 2002, MIS Q..


[14]  Frank I. Michelman,et al.  Between Facts and Norms , 1992 .

[15]  J. Habermas Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action , 1990 .

[16]  J. Talpin,et al.  Deliberating Environmental Policy Issues: Comparing the Learning Potential of Online and Face-To-Face Discussions on Climate Change , 2010 .

[17]  M. Steenbergen,et al.  Measuring Political Deliberation: A Discourse Quality Index , 2003 .

[18]  Peter Muhlberger,et al.  Lessons from the Virtual Agora Project: The Effects of Agency, Identity, Information, and Deliberation on Political Knowledge, by Peter Muhlberger and Lori M. Weber , 2006, Regular Issue.

[19]  Eliza Tanner Chilean conversations : Internet forum participants debate Augusto Pinochet's detention , 2001 .

[20]  S. Schneider,et al.  Expanding the public sphere through computer-mediated communication: political discussion about abortion in a usenet newsgroup , 1997 .

[21]  International Journal of E-Politics , 2022 .

[22]  Anthony G. Wilhelm Virtual sounding boards: How deliberative is on‐line political discussion? , 1998 .

[23]  Kerill Dunne,et al.  Cross Cutting Discussion: A form of online discussion discovered within local political online forums , 2009, Inf. Polity.

[24]  S. Coleman,et al.  Under Construction: The Field of Online Deliberation Research , 2012 .

[25]  David Lazer,et al.  Who Wants to Deliberate - and Why? , 2009 .

[26]  A. Chadwick Web 2.0: New Challenges for the Study of E-Democracy in an Era of Informational Exuberance , 2009 .

[27]  A. Ranerup On-Line Discussion Forums in a Swedish Local Government Context , 2000 .

[28]  Lincoln Dahlberg,et al.  Democracy via Cyberspace , 2001, New Media Soc..

[29]  John Gastil,et al.  Is Face-to-Face Citizen Deliberation a Luxury or a Necessity? , 2000 .

[30]  Anthony G. Wilhelm Democracy in the Digital Age: Challenges to Political Life in Cyberspace , 2000 .

[31]  H. Jansen,et al.  Political Blogs and Blogrolls in Canada , 2009 .

[32]  Mark Aakhus,et al.  Arguing in Internet Chat Rooms: Argumentative Adaptations to Chat Room Design and Some Consequences for Public Deliberation at a Distance , 2003 .

[33]  Ashley A. Anderson,et al.  Virtual deliberation? Prospects and challenges for integrating the Internet in consensus conferences , 2011 .

[34]  M. Karlsson What does it take to make online deliberation happen? : A comparative analysis of 28 online discussion forums , 2010 .

[35]  Kim Strandberg,et al.  The challenge of deliberative democracy online - A comparison of face-to-face and virtual experiments in citizen deliberation , 2009, Inf. Polity.

[36]  L. Black Deliberation, Storytelling, and Dialogic Moments , 2008 .

[37]  Cindy Boyles Tucey Online vs. Face-to-Face Deliberation on the Global Warming and Stem Cell Issues , 2010 .

[38]  Arthur R. Edwards,et al.  The moderator as an emerging democratic intermediary: The role of the moderator in Internet discussions about public issues , 2002, Inf. Polity.

[39]  S. Albrecht Whose voice is heard in online deliberation?: A study of participation and representation in political debates on the internet , 2006 .

[40]  Tamara Witschge,et al.  Online deliberation : Possibilities of the Internet for deliberative democracy , 2004 .

[41]  Nidhi Sinha,et al.  Corporate Blogs: A New Reality for Developing Consumer-Brand Centricity (Experimental Approach) , 2014, Int. J. Virtual Communities Soc. Netw..

[42]  Antje Gimmler Deliberative democracy, the public sphere and the internet , 2001 .

[43]  Francesca Polletta,et al.  Is Telling Stories Good for Democracy? Rhetoric in Public Deliberation after 9/11 , 2006 .

[44]  Shirley S. Ho,et al.  Social-Psychological Influences on Opinion Expression in Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Communication , 2008, Commun. Res..

[45]  S. Coleman Connecting Parliament to the Public via the Internet , 2004 .

[46]  Jakob Linaa Jensen,et al.  Virtual democratic dialogue? Bringing together citizens and politicians , 2003, Inf. Polity.

[47]  Young Min Baek,et al.  Online versus face-to-face deliberation: Who? Why? What? With what effects? , 2012, New Media Soc..

[48]  J. Jensen Public Spheres on the Internet: Anarchic or Government‐Sponsored – A Comparison , 2003 .

[49]  Yasmin Ibrahim,et al.  Food Porn and the Invitation to Gaze: Ephemeral Consumption and the Digital Spectacle , 2015, Int. J. E Politics.

[50]  Simon R. B. Berdal Public deliberation on the Web : A Habermasian inquiry into online discourse , 2004 .

[51]  A. Follesdal The Place of Self-Interest and the Role of Power in the Deliberative Democracy , 2010 .

[52]  Jennifer Stromer-Galley,et al.  New Voices in the Public Sphere: A Comparative Analysis of Interpersonal and Online Political Talk , 2002 .

[53]  Todd Graham,et al.  In search of online deliberation: Towards a new method for examining the quality of online discussions , 2003 .

[54]  Martin Karlsson,et al.  Citizen centric e-participation - A trilateral collaboration for democratic innovation. Case studies on e-participation policy: Sweden, Estonia and Iceland , 2013 .

[55]  Francisco Paulo Jamil Almeida Marques,et al.  Participation and Deliberation on the Internet: A Case Study of Digital Participatory Budgeting in Belo Horizonte , 2011, J. Community Informatics.

[56]  Michael D. Cobb,et al.  Potential Solutions to Public Deliberation Problems: Structured Deliberations and Polarization Cascades , 2006 .

[57]  Scott Wright,et al.  Democracy, deliberation and design: the case of online discussion forums , 2007, New Media Soc..

[58]  Kim Strandberg,et al.  Public Deliberation goes On-line? , 2008 .

[59]  Philippe Roose,et al.  International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking (IJVCSN), Special Issue on Social Media and Networks for Multimedia Content Management (Part 2) , 2015 .

[60]  Seong-Jae Min,et al.  Online vs. Face-to-Face Deliberation: Effects on Civic Engagement , 2007, J. Comput. Mediat. Commun..

[61]  Michael A. Xenos,et al.  New Mediated Deliberation: Blog and Press Coverage of the Alito Nomination , 2008, J. Comput. Mediat. Commun..

[62]  Magdalena Wojcieszak,et al.  Bridging the Divide or Intensifying the Conflict? How Disagreement Affects Strong Predilections about Sexual Minorities , 2010 .

[63]  J. Habermas,et al.  The structural transformation of the public sphere : an inquiry into a category of bourgeois society , 1989 .

[64]  Zizi Papacharissi,et al.  Democracy online: civility, politeness, and the democratic potential of online political discussion groups , 2004, New Media Soc..

[65]  Liza Tsaliki Online Forums and the Enlargement of Public Space: Research Findings from a European Project , 2002 .

[66]  Jennifer Stromer-Galley,et al.  Agreement and Disagreement in Group Deliberation: Effects on Deliberation Satisfaction, Future Engagement, and Decision Legitimacy , 2009 .

[67]  Lincoln Dahlberg,et al.  Extending the Public Sphere Through Cyberspace: The Case of Minnesota E-Democracy , 2001, First Monday.

[68]  Steffen Albrecht,et al.  How to Grow? Online Consultation about Growth in the City of Hamburg: Methods, Techniques, Success Factors , 2003, EGOV.

[69]  Todd R. Davies,et al.  The Blossoming Field of Online Deliberation , 2009 .

[70]  Dietram A. Scheufele,et al.  Being a Citizen Online , 2002 .

[71]  Eric Gordon,et al.  Augmented deliberation: Merging physical and virtual interaction to engage communities in urban planning , 2011, New Media Soc..

[72]  Jonathan Bishop Examining the Concepts, Issues, and Implications of Internet Trolling , 2013 .

[73]  Nicholas W. Jankowski,et al.  Internet-based political discourse : a case study of electronic democracy in Hoogeveen , 2004 .

[74]  Cheryl Hall Recognizing the Passion in Deliberation: Toward a More Democratic Theory of Deliberative Democracy , 2007, Hypatia.

[75]  Dominik Hangartner,et al.  When Deliberative Theory Meets Empirical Political Science: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in Political Deliberation , 2010 .

[76]  Stéphanie Wojcik,et al.  How Does eDeliberation work? A Study of French Local Electronic Forums , 2007 .

[77]  Dimitra L. Milioni Probing the online counterpublic sphere: the case of Indymedia Athens , 2009 .

[78]  S. Wright Government-run Online Discussion Fora: Moderation, Censorship and the Shadow of Control1 , 2006 .