Image quality scaling of electrophotographic prints

Two psychophysical experiments were performed scaling overall image quality of black-and-white electrophotographic (EP) images. Six different printers were used to generate the images. There were six different scenes included in the experiment, representing photographs, business graphics, and test-targets. The two experiments were split into a paired-comparison experiment examining overall image quality, and a triad experiment judging overall similarity and dissimilarity of the printed images. The paired-comparison experiment was analyzed using Thurstone's Law, to generate an interval scale of quality, and with dual scaling, to determine the independent dimensions used for categorical scaling. The triad experiment was analyzed using multidimensional scaling to generate a psychological stimulus space. The psychophysical results indicated that the image quality was judged mainly along one dimension and that the relationships among the images can be described with a single dimension in most cases. Regression of various physical measurements of the images to the paired comparison results showed that a small number of physical attributes of the images could be correlated with the psychophysical scale of image quality. However, global image difference metrics did not correlate well with image quality.