Topology optimization of origami-inspired reconfigurable frequency selective surfaces

Fold-driven reconfigurable devices have a potential to expand functional spaces beyond traditional adaptive wave propagation strategies. In particular, designs inspired by the art of origami leverage the mathematics of origami to map designs defined on two-dimensional surfaces to complex three-dimensional shapes. The design space in this paradigm is vast, so a systematic method is needed to design a device that achieves its goal. In our initial effort, we surveyed electromagnetic wave propagation properties of foldable frequency selective surfaces (FSS) and foldable and deployable antennas based on various known origami designs to identify a number of working principles of functional tuning. We incorporated these findings in the implementation of a design method that finds an origami FSS pattern that achieves the desired frequency tuning. This method is adopted from density-based topology optimization, with a notion that anything functional could be described through a distribution of an effective density of the relevant material property. A substrate is “patterned” with foldable segments parameterized through torsional springs; electromagnetically relevant conductive patterns are described as predefined surfaces that remain unchanged. This talk will discuss the lessons learned from our investigations and remaining challenges of designing fold-driven reconfigurable devices for wave propagation control.Fold-driven reconfigurable devices have a potential to expand functional spaces beyond traditional adaptive wave propagation strategies. In particular, designs inspired by the art of origami leverage the mathematics of origami to map designs defined on two-dimensional surfaces to complex three-dimensional shapes. The design space in this paradigm is vast, so a systematic method is needed to design a device that achieves its goal. In our initial effort, we surveyed electromagnetic wave propagation properties of foldable frequency selective surfaces (FSS) and foldable and deployable antennas based on various known origami designs to identify a number of working principles of functional tuning. We incorporated these findings in the implementation of a design method that finds an origami FSS pattern that achieves the desired frequency tuning. This method is adopted from density-based topology optimization, with a notion that anything functional could be described through a distribution of an effective density...