Research and Development of HTTR Coated Particle Fuel

The coated particle fuel has been developed within a framework of the HTTR (High Temperature engineering Test Reactor) Development Program at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The HTTR fuel is a prismatic block type containing TRISO-coated U02 particles. Research and development on the fuel has been progressed in three categories; a work for fuel production technology, a proof test of fuel performance and a safety-related research. In the present report the concept and outline of the fuel in the HTTR design are firstly described, and then fuel fabrication technology including recently developed methods for improving fuel quality is followed. Tests for proving fuel performance have been carried out extensively on the reference fuel of the HTTR design by irradiation in an in-pile gas loop and capsules, and typical results are presented in this report. Concerning the safety-related research, fuel failure and 137Cs release at abnormally high temperature are described.