devdoped gamma ge~erator:s are compact., nasty program~, and ~emss a saifnrm stoned over the operathg range, t~t are oab ~ vNtd for a > 1. A tran~ormation of variable together with a technique suggested by" and Monakan of generating random ,eariates u~ing the ratio of mniform variates are cnmbiaed to produce a fatuity of generators raid far all a > l/n where n is an arbitrary integer. Thus if s ks greater than uNty, variates with a tess than unity can be sam#ed. The cases n = 2 and n = 4 are considered explicitly aeM are shown to retain the feaVares of compactness, ease ~f and u~fform sDeed. Since the publication of the review paper of A~ki.nson and Pearce {2], there have appeared a large number of gamma variate generators covering the case ~ > I where ~ is the shape parameter. One of the more noteworthy methods is based on the generat technique of generating random varia~es using the ratio of uniform variates proposed originally by Kindermaa and Monahan {6]. Kinderman and Mona.ban [7] and Cheng and Feast [5] ;have suggested Mgorithms using this technique to generate gamma variates, The ~brme~ paper also comains some sound criteria for the choice of an optima1 alg{~ Pem~i<'m h'~ copy wtho~t~ fee a]~p~i~ gra~te~ p~x~vided that ~.he c, epies are not made or d~tr/ba~e~ &~ dh'e¢~ ~NU~ UK~ Cornm~m~c~mB~s hd) igN) ~*e ACM Nu.r~*be~' 7
Pandu R. Tadikamalla,et al.
Computer generation of gamma random variables
Albert J. Kinderman,et al.
Computer Generation of Random Variables Using the Ratio of Uniform Deviates
Russell C. H. Cheng,et al.
Some Simple Gamma Variate Generators
A. Atkinson,et al.
The Computer Generation of Beta, Gamma and Normal Random Variables
R. Cheng,et al.
The Generation of Gamma Variables with Non‐Integral Shape Parameter
John F. Monahan,et al.
Recent Developments in the Computer Generation of Student's t and Gamma Random Variables