Developing Knowledge Workers in Silicon Valley North: It Is Not Just About Training

In order to recruit, retain, and motivateknowledge workers, previous research indicates that employers need to focus onemployee career development and career management practices.Littleresearch has been conducted regarding career development of knowledge workersin the National Capital Region of Canada (i.e., Silicon Valley North). This research seeks to acquire employee and employer information regardingsuch areas as career goals, employee strategies, and changes needed to meetcareer goals within the high-technology sector of Canada.The importanceof employee development strategies is discussed, and the career aspirations ofhigh tech employees are described. Also considered are the developmentstrategies needed to increase employee efficiency and employee satisfaction andcommitment, including promoting a sense of accomplishment, providingstimulating work, developing breadth, and supporting learning. Career development can be impacted by a variety of factors, includingindividual differences in definitions ofsuccess and differences in careerorientations.The data provide a variety of employee suggestionsconcerning the managerial style of their employers.The findngs suggestthat career development is influenced by the degree of employer support andthat career development needs and experiences vary by group. (AKP)