Statistical methods for mapping quantitative trait loci from a dense set of markers.

Lander and Botstein introduced statistical methods for searching an entire genome for quantitative trait loci (QTL) in experimental organisms, with emphasis on a backcross design and QTL having only additive effects. We extend their results to intercross and other designs, and we compare the power of the resulting test as a function of the magnitude of the additive and dominance effects, the sample size and intermarker distances. We also compare three methods for constructing confidence regions for a QTL: likelihood regions, Bayesian credible sets, and support regions. We show that with an appropriate evaluation of the coverage probability a support region is approximately a confidence region, and we provide a theroretical explanation of the empirical observation that the size of the support region is proportional to the sample size, not the square root of the sample size, as one might expect from standard statistical theory.

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