Stylebook for the Tübingen Partially Parsed Corpus of Written German (TüPP-D/Z)

The stylebook at hand is a guide to the shallow annotation structure of the Tubingen Partially Parsed Corpus of Written German (TuPP-D/Z). The annotation is performed automatically by the partial parser KaRoPars (Kaskadierter Robuster Parser, i.e. Cascaded Robust Parser). This stylebook focuses on the description of the layers of chunks, topological fields and clauses, which are part of the KaRoPars output. The methodology of the annotation process is only mentioned in those cases in which it has an impact on the annotation structure. Example sentences are taken from real language data, but are simplified where necessary. This stylebook is an updated version of Muller (2002). The actual encoding of the linguistic phenomena in the corpus is described in the Markup Manual for TuPP-D/Z (see Ule (2004)).