Chronic vein diseases in the population in the Ural Federal District. Statistics and trends

Introduction. There are practically no publications on the study of epidemiology of chronic venous diseases (CVD) in residents of the Urals, although the incidence of CVD is one of the significant components in assessing the health of the adult population. The aim of the work is to evaluate the indicators and determine the epidemiological trends of the primary incidence of chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities in the population of the Ural Federal District over the past 11 years. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of official statistical data on the morbidity of the adult population of the Ural Federal District (UFD) with varicose veins of the lower extremities (VVLE) was performed with a diagnosis established for the first time in his life for the period from 2010 to 2020. The ranking of all subjects of the Russian Federation as part of the UFD according to the level of primary morbidity was carried out. The statistics of the largest private regional phlebological center are summarized for a comparative assessment of the patients' appeal to the public and private sectors of the health care system of the Sverdlovsk region. For this article, it is postulated that VVLE in statistical reports and CVD are equivalent concepts. Results. Absolute and relative indicators of the primary incidence of VVLE (CVD) of the adult population in the subjects of the UFD have been investigated. A high variability of morbidity rates was revealed depending on the region of the UFD. A sharp decrease in morbidity was recorded in 2020 in relation to the median level of 2010–2019 in the whole of the Russian Federation and the UFD region, as well as in most regions of the district. With a decrease in the level of morbidity registered in public institutions over the years, the number of requests for phlebological care increases in the private healthcare sector. Discussion. The revealed significant regional differences in the figures of the primary incidence of VVLE (CVD) require the introduction of uniform methodological documents for the diagnosis, treatment and registration of patients with CVD. Similar epidemiological trends have been obtained by a number of other researchers, only in relation to other nosologies. Conclusions. The primary morbidity of the population of the Ural Federal District of VVLE (CVD) as a whole is statistically significantly higher than the average in Russia. Morbidity rates in individual subjects of the district have significant differences. The morbidity rates of the adult population should be taken into account when developing territorial programs of state guarantees of providing free medical care to citizens.