Information Transfer with Two-state Two-particle Quantum Systems

Abstract Any future quantum information machine will contain unitary operators and entangled particle states. The Hilbert space describing the action of the quantum information machine separates into a bosonic and a fermionic sector. Because the bosonic sector is of higher dimension, it is always possible to encode more information into a multiboson state than into a multifermion state, given the same complexity, that is unitary representation, of the quantum information machine. This is explicitly studied for the case of two particles defined in two modes. There the beam splitter is a generic representation of any U(2) matrix, and it has recently been shown that one can realize any N-dimensional unitary operator by successive application of such two-dimensional operators. The two-boson two-mode Hilbert space is of dimension three, and thus one can encode log23 = 1·57 bits of information into such an entangled state. Finally, some explicit schemes for creating and detecting the three possible, two-photon,...