The or i gin and depositional ar chi tec ture of Paleogene quartz-glauconite sands in the Lubartów area , east ern Po land

The study uses quan ti ta tive meth ods to ana lyse the lat est Bartonian to Early Rupelian sed i men tary suc ces sion at the SE out skirts of the Pol ish Low land Paleogene Ba sin, in the back-bulge zone of the Carpathian orogenorebulge. The ver ti cal lithotype pro por tion di a grams from a large num ber of well logs are com piled to re veal the area’s se quence stra tig ra phy. Six se quences are rec og nized and cor re lated with 3rd-or der eustatic sea level cy cles. The basal se quence of type 1 is over lain by three se quences of type 2 and fol lowed by a fifth se quence of type 1, whose depositional forced-re gres sive and lowstand sys tems tracts brought the main vol ume of quartz-glauconite sand to the study area. The study fo cuses fur ther on the de pos its of this fifth se quence, ex posed and sur veyed with GPR in the Nowodwór-Piaski sand pit. Their sed i men tary fa cies anal y sis re veals the lo cal spa tial pat tern of a wave-dom i nated and tid ally-in flu enced sed i men ta tion, sup port ing the ear lier no tions of a south ern palaeoshoreline and a tec toni cally-con trolled sed i men ta tion. The anal y sis, aided by mul ti di men sional GPR sur vey, in di cates syndepositional de vel op ment of a tec tonic graben filled lat er ally by fault scarp-at tached large sand bars and an ax ial ac tion of tidal ebb cur rents. The bars were formed of shore-de rived sand swept by lit to ral waves from the graben footwall ar eas. As the graben’s tec tonic ac tiv ity ceased, it be came bur ied by the lowstand re gres sive sands over lain by grav elly fore shore de pos its, most of which were later re moved by the Pleis to cene gla cial ero sion. A 3D model of the de pos its in the Nowodwór-Piaski area is con structed on the ba sis of out crop and GPR data with the use of mul ti ple-point sta tis ti cal meth od ol ogy to de pict the in ter nal ar chi tec ture, het er o ge ne ity and spa tial re la tion ships of main sed i men tary fa cies. The model can serve as a guide for the fu ture ex plo ra tion and ex ploi ta tion of the quartz-glauconite sands in the area and as in struc tive ex am ple of how a pe tro leum res er voir model of a com plex sed i men tary suc ces sion can be con structed with the use of mod ern sta tis ti cal meth ods.

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