Apistogramma barlowi sp. n. - description of a new facultative mouth-brooding cichlid species (Teleostei: Perciformes: Geophaginae) from Northern Peru

Apistogramma barlowi sp. n. is described based on a total of 32 specimens from small tributaries of the Rio Ampiyacu near the village of El Pozo, District Santa Maria, Province Mariscal Ramon Castilla, Departamento Loreto, Peru (near 71°55 ́W and 03°10 ́S). Apistogramma barlowi sp. n. is separated from all other Apistogramma species by the combination of over-proportionally large head and jaws, in males lyrate caudal-fin horizontally divided in two colour zones, extended first membranes of the dorsal fin, a distinct breast band in basal part of vertical bar 2 and posterior lateral spot in females, missing caudal peduncle spot, and, unique in Apistogramma, facultative biparental mouth-breeding. Apistogramma barlowi sp. n. is a representative of the Apistogramma-cacatuoides-complex living in small brooks.