Cost Estimation and Identification of Transport Infrastructure Facility Projects in Salem

Salem is the fifth largest city with a population of 7.54 lakhs (2011) in Tamil Nadu. Local Authorities faced with great difficulties to identify required various road improvement projects. Repair or improvement works may have to be under taken on a basis which has to be decided based on socio-economic, administrative, technical, political factors etc., The identified road network selected for the study comprises 162 road links in Salem Corporation. Existing traffic condition, surface condition of carriageway, street lighting, footpath condition and drainage condition in the Salem Corporation area has been studied in detail. Traffic volume count survey was conducted on the idendified 162 road links in Salem Corporation. Identify the type of transport facilities required for the road links. In Salem Corporation area 44 road links required removal of onstreet parking and encroachment, 52 road links required widening of carriageway , 23 road links required traffic management measures with extrawidening to carry the existing traffic flow efficiently. Total fund required for identified various road improvement projects have been calculated as Rs.100.16 Crores