Most consumer electronics products today contain complex embedded software. We believe a component-oriented approach is an ideal way to handle the diversity of software complexity. Our earlier work on reusable components has addressed the development of the Koala component model has been developed (as an outcome of the ESPRIT project ARES) to address reuse with concept of late binding. This has been carried out as a part of the research project on 'testing software components'. Our approach to testing components was based on the principles of testing from object models. Therefore we have decomposed a COM-like component into OO models so that various test techniques can be automated. Also we are able to generate a volume of key test cases to study boundary value testing and analysis on component interfaces, which is the key to achieve testability of a reusable software component.
Robert M. Poston,et al.
Automated testing from object models
R. M. Poston.
Automated testing from object models : Object-oriented software testing
Elaine J. Weyuker,et al.
Testing Component-Based Software: A Cautionary Tale
IEEE Softw..
Terry Quatrani,et al.
Visual modeling with rational Rose and UML
Addison-Wesley object technology series.
Jeff Magee,et al.
The Koala Component Model for Consumer Electronics Software