Diferenças genéticas na eficiência de absorção e utilização de boro, zinco, cobre e manganês em mudas enxertadas de cafeeiro

Efficiency of absorption and utilization of boron, zinc, copper and manganese in grafted coffee seedlings Studying nutritional efficiency of grafted coffee plants is important for the selection of graft/ rootstock combinations, aiming to achieve better plant development and yield. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic differences for B, Zn, Cu and Mn absorption and utilization efficiencies of grafted coffee seedlings. The experiment was conducted with seedlings planted in 20 L pots with a substrate consisting of soil, sand, and manure in the proportion of 3:1:1, in which they kept for 18 months, until harvest. Four genotypes of Coffea arabica L. were used as grafts: cultivars Catuai Vermelho IAC 15 (‘Catuai 15) and Oeiras MG 6851 (‘Oeiras’), and hybrids H419-10-3-4-4 (‘H419’) and H514-5-5-3 (‘H514’). All genotypes were obtained from the EPAMIG/UFV breeding program. Five half-sibling progenies of clones of Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froenher cv. Conilon were used as rootstocks: ‘ES 21’, ‘ES 36’, ‘ES 26’, ‘ES 23’ and ‘ES