The cover time of two classes of random graphs

Let <i>G</i> = (<i>V,E</i>) be a connected graph, let |<i>V</i>| = <i>n</i>, and |<i>E</i>| = <i>m.</i> <i>A random walk W<inf>u</inf>, u</i> ∈ <i>V</i> on the undirected graph <i>G</i> = (<i>V, E</i>) is a Markov chain <i>X<inf>0</inf></i> = <i>u, X<inf>1</inf>,...X<inf>t</inf>,...</i> ∈ <i>V</i> associated to a particle that moves from vertex to vertex according to the following rule: the probability of a transition from vertex <i>i</i>, of degree <i>d<inf>i</inf></i>, to vertex <i>j</i> is 1/<i>d<inf>i</inf></i> if {<i>i,j</i>} ∈ <i>E</i>, and 0 otherwise. For <i>u</i> ∈ <i>V</i> let <i>C<inf>u</inf></i> be the expected time taken for <i>W<inf>u</inf></i> to visit every vertex of <i>G.</i> The <i>cover time C<inf>G</inf></i> of <i>G</i> is defined as <i>C<inf>G</inf></i> = max<i>u</i>∈<i>V C<inf>u</inf>.</i> The cover time of connected graphs has been extensively studied. It is a classic result of Aleliunas, Karp, Lipton, Lovász and Rackoff [2] that <i>C<inf>G</inf></i> ≤ 2<i>m</i>(<i>n</i> - 1). It was shown by Feige [11], [12], that for any connected graph <i>G</i>[EQUATION]The lower bound is achieved by (for example) the complete graph <i>K<inf>n</inf></i>, whose cover time is determined by the Coupon Collector problem.

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