Handbook of fluorous chemistry

Preface.1. Fluorous Chemistry: Scope and Definition (I. Horvath, et al.).2. A Personal View of the History of Fluorous Chemistry (I. Horvath).3. Fluorous Solvents and Related Media (J. Gladysz & C. Emnet).4. Strategies for the Recovery of Fluorous Catalysts and Reagents: Design and Evaluation (J. Gladysz & R. Correa de Costa).5. Ponytails: Structural and Electronic Considerations (J. Gladysz).6. Partition Coefficients Involving Fluorous Solvents (J. Gladysz, et al.).7. Separations with Fluorous Silica Gel and Related Materials (D. Curran).8. Light Fluorous Chemistry-A User-s Guide (D. Curran).9. Getting Started in Synthesis: A Tabular Guide to Selected Monofunctional Fluorous Compounds (J. Rabai).10. Highlights of Applications in Synthesis and Catalysis.11. Preparations.12. Applications of Fluorous Compounds in Materials Chemistry.13. Fluorous Materials for Biomedical Uses (J. Riess).14. Fun and Games with Fluorous Chemistry (J. Rabai).Index.