Efficient Support for Matrix Computations on Heterogeneous Multi-core and Multi-GPU Architectures ∗ Fengguang Song Stanimire Tomov Jack Dongarra University of Tennessee EECS Department Knoxville, TN, USA University of Tennessee EECS Department Knoxville, TN, USA University of Tennessee Oak Ridge National Laboratory University of Manchester song@eecs.utk.edu tomov@eecs.utk.edu dongarra@eecs.utk.edu ABSTRACT We present a new methodology for utilizing all CPU cores and all GPUs on a heterogeneous multicore and multi-GPU system to support matrix computations efficiently. Our ap- proach is able to achieve the objectives of a high degree of parallelism, minimized synchronization, minimized commu- nication, and load balancing. Our main idea is to treat the heterogeneous system as a distributed-memory machine, and to use a heterogeneous 1-D block cyclic distribution to allo- cate data to the host system and GPUs to minimize commu- nication. We have designed heterogeneous algorithms with two different tile sizes (one for CPU cores and the other for GPUs) to cope with processor heterogeneity. We propose an auto-tuning method to determine the best tile sizes to attain both high performance and load balancing. We have also implemented a new runtime system and applied it to the Cholesky and QR factorizations. Our experiments on a compute node with two Intel Westmere hexa-core CPUs and three Nvidia Fermi GPUs demonstrate good weak scal- ability, strong scalability, load balance, and efficiency of our approach. INTRODUCTION As the performance of both multicore CPU and GPU con- tinues to scale at a Moore’s law rate, it is becoming perva- sive to use heterogeneous multicore and multi-GPU archi- tectures to attain the highest performance possible from a single compute node. Before making parallel programs run efficiently on a distributed-memory system, it is critical to achieve high performance on a single node first. However, the heterogeneity in the multi-core and multi-GPU architec- ture has introduced new challenges to algorithm design and system software. Over the last few years, our colleagues at the Univer- sity of Tennessee have developed the PLASMA library [2] to solve linear algebra problems on multicore architectures. In parallel with PLASMA, we have also developed another library called MAGMA [27] to solve linear algebra problems on GPUs. While PLASMA and MAGMA aim to provide the same routines as LAPACK [4], one is used for multicore CPUs, and the other for a single core with an attached GPU, respectively. Our goal is to utilize all cores and all GPUs efficiently on a single multicore and multi-GPU system to support matrix computations. ∗ This material is based upon work supported by the NSF grants CCF-0811642, OCI-0910735, by the DOE grant DE- FC02-06ER25761, and by Microsoft Research. GPU Device Memory Multicore Host System Host Memory PCIe Interface GPU Switch PCIe Interface GPU Switch GPU Device Memory GPU Device Memory GPU Device Memory Figure 1: An example of a heterogeneous multi-core and multi-GPU system. The host system is connected to four GPUs via two PCI Express connections. The host system and the GPUs have separate memory spaces. Figure 1 shows the architecture of a heterogeneous mul- ticore and multi-GPU system we are considering. The mul- ticore host system is connected to four GPUs via two PCI Express connections and each pair of GPUs share a GPU switch. To design new software on this type of heteroge- neous architectures, we must consider the following special features: (1) The host and the GPUs have different memory spaces and an explicit memory copy is required to transfer data between the host and a GPU; (2) The system is also dif- ferent from a distributed-memory machine since each GPU is actually controlled by a thread running on the host (more like pthreads on a shared-memory machine); (3) The pro- cessor heterogeneity between CPUs and GPUs; (4) GPUs are optimized for throughput and expect a larger input size than CPUs which are optimized for latency [24]; (5) As the performance gap between a GPU and its PCI-Express in- terconnection to the host becomes larger, network is even- tually the bottleneck for the entire system. In this work, we take into account all these factors and strive to meet the following objectives in order to obtain high performance: a high degree of parallelism, minimized synchronization, min- imized communication, and load balancing. We propose to design new heterogeneous algorithms and to use a simple but practical static data distribution to achieve the objec- tives simultaneously. This paper describes heterogeneous rectangular tile algo- rithms with hybrid tile sizes, heterogeneous 1-D block cyclic data distribution, a new runtime system, and an auto-tuning method to determine the hybrid tile sizes. The rectangu- lar tile algorithms build upon the previous tile algorithms, which divide a matrix into square tiles and exhibit a high de- gree of parallelism and minimized synchronizations [13, 14]
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