From governance to identity : a festschrift for Mary Henkel
List of Contributors. Books by Mary Henkel. Preface I. BLEIKLIE. Introduction I. BLEIKLIE et al. PART I - IDENTITIES. Being an Academic in a Time-Impoverished Age R.BARNETT. Student Identities in Mass Higher Education J. BRENNAN, K. PATEL. Emerging Academic Identities: A New Research and Policy Agenda E. EL-KHAWAS. PART II - ACADEMIC WORK. Towards a Sociology of Academic Work C. MUSSELIN. The University as Enterprise and Academic Co-determination I.BLEIKLIE, S. MICHELSON. PART III - POLICY AND GOVERNANCE. Transforming Higher Education A. AMARAL. The Modernisation of European Higher Education. National Policy Dynamics P. MAASSEN. On Striking the Right Notes: Shifts in Governance and the Organisational Transformation of Universities J. ENDERS et al. Transforming a Centralised Higher Education System: Reform and Academic Resistance in Italy R. MOSCATI. PART IV - METHODS. On the Comparative Research in Higher Education J. VALIMAA. Index.