Abstract: In this article I have presented the results of Wo focus-groips at which have participated both representatives of public administration institutions and employers from Gorj County. I have started from the hypothesis that the most sought after professions in the rural areas from Gorj county are in agricultural sustenance and the tertiay sectors. In fact, the most important purpose of the article to highlight that a strong knowledge of the labour market from the perfective of enf loyers facilitates both the correlation between training to labour force needs and ario the development of effective enf Icy ment policies.Keywords: unemployment, rural areas, qualification, skills recruitmentIntroductionThe financial crisis which began in the autumn of 2008 has caused the most severe recession since the Second World War, affecting the entire economy and having strong effects on the labor market of the European Union, the economic crisis has brought a multitude of influences and negative determinations at social level, such as: a reduction of jobs and implicitly of secure incomes, an increase of debtors' rate and forced executions, a pauperization of large social categories and an extension of poverty, visible deterioration of life quality and chances of future evolution of numerous human collectivises etc. In Europe, certain population categories, such as women, youth and people from rural areas were more affected by the economic crisis. In this line, it is recognized that the economic crisis not only determined a fragile situation having consequences on the work market but also weakened the social protection system that should create an equilibrium and reduce the crisis' negative effects (Preoteasa, 2011: 29). Currently, workforce employment is a priority goal and efforts are being taken to adapt the Romanian system in order to implement the European Strategy for Employment (Cace, Cace, Cojocaru, Nicolaescu, 2012:63).In the context of the economic recession, the labour market from Romania has faced significants transformations at the level of the volume and structure of the labour maket. This process was characterized by a reduction of the active and employed population and by maintaining the unemployment rates at relatively constant values (Otovescu, 2011).The topic of this study1 consists of the investigation of the imbalanced labour market dimensions that currently exist in Gorj County (Romania). It can be said that the imbalance in the labour market is due to mismatches between supply and demand. On one hand, there is a mismatch between the number of jobs available and the number of people able to work and willing to be employed. On the other hand, there are significant differences between the skills that employers who offer jobs have and the availability of skills of the unemployed, especially those in rural areas. In the first part of this article, we present the literature review, presenting the most important approaches on employment and unemployment. Also, from a systemic point of view, we present some important European and national data on unemployment. The last part of the article presents the results of two focus-groups, conducted in 2012, at which there participated both representatives of public administration institutions and employers from Gorj County.1. Literature ReviewThe relationship between education (professional development) and employment was explained with the aid of philosophical, sociological and, especially, economic theories. In the field of philosophy, two great branches were present: progressive theories and normative theories. The progressive theory's main representative was Dewey, who thought that education does not and should not have a specific purpose. Education has an important role in the development of personality, skills and expertise in children and as a consequence, all educative activities must be channelled towards that direction. …