Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars

Editor's Note Camera-ready hardcopy papers for the Proceedings (SP{418) should be handed at the Workshop to the ESA Editor. Authors without their camera-ready paper must contact the Editor at the Workshop; otherwise they may not be included in the proceedings, with the exception of the working session reports. A buuet style continental breakfast will be served every morning from 7:30 to 8:30 am in the hallway leading to the plenary session room (aka the Georgian room), on the Mezzanine oor. Lunch for the rst three days of the meeting is included in your registration fee, and will be served in the Terrace room, that is located, as its name does not indicate, two ights down from the Mezannine level. Lunch will be served at 12:30 sharp; wine and beer will be available, but are not included. A welcoming reception will be held Monday night from 6:30 to 7:30 in the break out room, on the Mezzanine oor. Please join us for a drink and few appetizers in the Arling-ton/Berkeley/Clarendon room. The banquet will be held Tuesday night, at Anthony's Pier 4 restaurant, 140 Northern Ave, Boston (617{423{6363), starting at 6:30 pm (dinner starts at 7:30 pm). We can accommodate a few last minute additions, but you must contact the registration desk before noon on Monday. The restaurant is a 15 min. walk from the South Station T station (subway), a less than 10 min. subway ride from the Arlington T station located a block from the hotel (fare 85/ c, each way). Maps with detailed directions are available, and one should have been included in your registration packet. Georgian Welcome Address S. Korzennik IT.1 New era in helioseismology: opportunity and challenges. R. Ulrich PR.1 GONG: status and future prospects. J. Leibacher IT.2 The structure of the solar core: an observer's point of view. Georgian IT.3 Observations of medium-and high-degree modes: methods and sand-traps. 1:30 pm { 2:00 pm Plenary Session Georgian IT.4 The current status and future direction of asteroseismology of sun-like stars from ground and space. Georgian IT.6 Recent results and theoretical advances in local helioseismology: time-distance, ring-diagram and active-region analysis.