RF reliability performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si substrate at 10 GHz

RF reliability performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on Si substrate at 10 GHz is presented for the first time. Devices were fabricated in MBE-grown AlGaN/GaN on a two- inch Si (1 1 1) substrate. Devices demonstrating continuous wave output power between 3.9 and 6.2 W/mm are used in this study. Drifts in output power, PAE, drain current and gate current under RF stress at various biases are measured. A device biased at a drain voltage of 40 V for initial output power of 6.2 W/mm showed a small power drift of about 0.5 dB in 125 h of stress, indicating a promising reliability of GaN HEMTs on Si.