New compact staring detectors for MW and LW applications
Infrared systems require today high resolution detectors, in miniaturized configurations, and with cost reduction. To answer these requirements, SOFRADIR has taken its HgCdTe (Mercury Cadmium Telluride/ MCT) material and process as well as its hybridization technology to the next even more advanced level of sophistication, and is now offering large format detectors with graduated levels of performances regarding pitch size and cryogenics. For large format LW detectors, Sofradir takes advantage of the Thales Research Technology (TRT) Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP) process working at up to 75K to offer a very compact large array QWIP IDDCA. For Mid Wave applications, the SCORPIO 15 μm pixel pitch TV format (640×512) HgCdTe detector is released, for operation above 100K, allowing the use of 0.3W microcooler with miniaturized cryogenics, either for new compact systems or for the direct upgrade of existing 30µm pitch TV/4 format systems. This new 15μm pitch HgCdTe TV format exhibits high performances in optimized very small size cryogenics in order to achieve a cost effective production level. Doing so, this detector will become the most affordable large format at production level in the coming years. For Long Wave applications two new detectors are launched: the HgCdTe approach for high frame rate applications with a medium format detector (25μm pitch 384×288), and the large format (640×512 20μm) QWIP approach for high resolution imagery applications. These LW detectors are offered with microcoolers and miniaturized cryogenics. The performances of these new IR detectors are presented in this paper as well as the development trends for even higher resolution IR detectors at Sofradir.