GF‐2 Satellite 1m/4m Camera Design and In‐Orbit Commissioning

GF-2 (Gaofen-2) is the second high resolution imaging satellite of China high resolution earthobservation system (CHEOS) and it is the first civilian high resolution imager with Ground sampledistance (GSD) under 1m in China. The two 1m/4m cameras represent a breakthrough in comparison withthe previous GF-1 camera. Recent advances in small relative aperture optics system design, vibrationreduction, and high accuracy thermal control make it possible for this camera work perfect with highresolution, lihgtweight and high image quality performance. The in-orbit commissioning demonstratesthat the performance of the cameras meets all the design requirements. The components of 1m/4mcamera, the novel techniques adopted and in-orbit commissioning results are illustrated.