With the ultimate goal of creating a sequence-ready physical map of all of chromosome 5, 303 new human chromosome 5-specific STS markers have been systematically generated and regionally ordered. Chromosome 5 DNA prepared from flow-sorted chromosomes was digested with restriction enzymes BamHI and HindIII and cloned in bacteriophage M13mp18. Random clones were sequenced, and appropriate PCR deoxyoligomers were synthesized. An acceptable sequence-tagged site (STS)-PCR assay yielded the appropriate size amplification product from both total human DNA and hybrid cell line DNA containing only human chromosome 5. Each STS has been regionally localized by breakpoint analysis using a set of hybrid cell panels consisting of natural deletions or translocations of human chromosome 5. This hybrid cell panel was able to localize the STSs to 1 of 51 bins on the short arm and 1 of 15 bins on the long arm. The STS markers appear to be randomly distributed along the length of this 194-Mb chromosome. The current overall density of these markers (approximately 1 STS/640 kb), combined with the numerous PCR-based physical and genetic markers generated by other groups, will provide sufficient "nucleation points" for YAC contig assembly and verification in any region of human chromosome 5.