The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Search for Planetary and Low- Luminosity Object Transits in the Galactic Disk. Results of 2001 Campaign -- Supplement

The photometric data collected during 2001 season OGLE-III planetary/low luminosity object transit campaign were reanalyzed with the new transit search technique -- the BLS method by Kovacs, Zucker and Mazeh. In addition to all presented in our original paper transits, additional 13 objects with transiting low-luminosity companions were discovered. We present here a supplement to our original catalog -- the photometric data, light curves and finding charts of all 13 new objects. The model fits to the transit light curves indicate that a few new objects may be Jupiter-sized (R<1.6 R_Jup). OGLE-TR-56 is a particularly interesting case. Its transit has only 13 mmag depth, short duration and a period of 1.21190 days. Model fit indicates that the companion may be Saturn-sized if the passage were central. Spectroscopic follow-up observations are encouraged for final classification of the transiting objects as planets, brown dwarfs or late M-type dwarf stars. We also provide the most recent ephemerides of other most promising planetary transits: OGLE-TR-10 and OGLE-TR-40 based on observations collected in June 2002. All photometric data are available to the astronomical community from the OGLE Internet archive.