Electricity Consumption and Efficiency Trends in European Union - Status Report 2009

This report summarises the outcome of the results of an in-depth survey of electricity consumption in buildings in the EU-27 conducted by the JRC, the main findings of the first preparatory studies for implementing the Eco-design Directive, as well as other recent analyses and studies on different aspects of the electricity final consumption. One of its aims is to show the present status of electricity consumption of the main appliances and equipment, the energy efficiency progress and estimates of the saving potential in the EU-27 electricity sector. The report summarises the policy actions introduced at EU level and some of the national policies for the building sector and for the electric motor systems. Extract from the table of contents: energy and gas consumption in the EU-27 residential sector: cold appliances (refrigerators and freezers); heating and cooling appliances (space heating and boilers; residential room air conditioners, up to 12 kW); electricity end-use in the tertiary sector (HVAC and refrigeration; office equipment); industrial sector electricity consumption. This report can be downloaded from the Web site: http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/energyefficiency/publications.htm.