Two-stage uncertainty evaluation of 3D reconstruction

The configuration of a 3D reconstruction system can be optimized by evaluating the reconstructed uncertainties of 3D points located in the working volume of stereo reconstruction system.An evaluation method considering camera calibaration and uncertainty propagation in reconstructing 3D points is presented for 3D reconstrution uncertainties,according to the law of uncertainty propagation.The procedure of 3D reconstruction involves two consecutive stages:calibrating camera models and reconstructing a 3D point from its image projections.The output quantities of the first stage,the parameters of camera models,constitute a part of the input quantities of the second stage.The analytical expressions for uncertainty propagation during reconstructing a 3D point are presented.The presented metrod is validated using Monte Carlo simulation,and some typical applications are given.The experimental results show that the evaluated uncertainties associated with the reconstructed coordinates of 3D point have one significant digit at least,and the presented algorithm is feasible.