On Generalized Connection Caching

Abstract Cohen et al. [5] recently initiated the theoretical study of connection caching in the world-wide web. They extensively studied uniform connection caching, where the establishment cost is uniform for all connections [5], [6]. They showed that ordinary paging algorithms can be used to derive algorithms for uniform connection caching and analyzed various algorithms such as Belady's rule, LRU and Marking strategies. In particular, in [5] Cohen et al. showed that LRU yields a (2k-1) -competitive algorithm, where k is the size of the largest cache in the network. In [6] they investigated Marking algorithms with different types of communication among nodes and presented deterministic k -competitive algorithms. In this paper we study generalized connection caching , also introduced in [5], where connections can incur varying establishment costs. This model is reasonable because the cost of establishing a connection depends, for instance, on the distance of the nodes to be connected and on the congestion in the network. Algorithms for ordinary weighted caching can be used to derive algorithms for generalized connection caching. We present tight or nearly tight analyses on the performance achieved by the currently known weighted caching algorithms when applied in generalized connection caching. In particular we give online algorithms that achieve an optimal competitive ratio of k . Our deterministic algorithm uses extra communication while maintaining open connections. We develop a generalized algorithm that trades communication for performance and achieves a competitive ratio of (1+ε)k , for any 0<ε≤ 1 , using at most ⌉1/ε⌈ 1 bits of communication on each open link. Additionally we consider two extensions of generalized connection caching where (1) connections have time-out values, or (2) the establishment cost of connections is asymmetric. We show that the performance ratio of our algorithms can be preserved in scenario (1). In the case of (2) we derive nearly tight upper and lower bounds on the best possible competitiveness.