IAX: Inter-Asterisk eXchange Version 2

This document describes the Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol, Version 2, (IAX2) an application-layer control and media protocol for creating, modifying, and terminating multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks. IAX2 was developed by the open source community for the Asterisk PBX and is targeted primarily at Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) call control, but it can be used with streaming video or any other type of multimedia. IAX2 is an "all in one" protocol for handling multimedia in IP networks. It combines both control and media services in the same protocol. In addition, IAX2 uses a single UDP data stream on a static port greatly simplifying Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway traversal, eliminating the need for other protocols to work around NAT, and simplifying network and firewall management. IAX2 employs a compact encoding which decreases bandwidth usage and is well suited for Internet telephony service. In addition, its open nature permits new payload types additions needed to support additional services.