Applying mSpace interfaces to the Semantic Web - working paper
Ontologies can represent large, multidimensional spaces: classical music, research in computer science in the UK, health care for breast cancer are examples of rich domains. There have been no easy ways to represent meaningful slices through these multidimensional spaces to privilege the parts of the domain that are of interest to a given user. mSpace, an interaction model we describe here, is particularly suited to ontology-based interaction because it is designed to expose and support exploration of relations in a domain. In this paper we propose the formalism for this interaction model to support mapping this kind of userdetermined interaction onto a high dimensional space represented by an ontology. The model provides semantic web designers with a means for rapidly prototyping and interrogating the data represented by an ontology. It also and provides a fast, effective UI alternative to keyword search and browsing for users to explore the domain space while maintaining domain context.