The purchase price assessment system

PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a purchase price assessment system for quickly and accurately assessing the purchase price of a trading card.SOLUTION: A purchase price assessment system includes: a scanner 3; terminal equipment 9D; and a server 10D. The terminal equipment 9D is configured to, when collation image data matching read image data is not stored in a first image database 4, transmit the read image data to a server 10D, and the server 10D is configured to collate the transmitted read image data with the collation image data, and to specify the attributes of a trading card 2, and to transmit identification data related to the attributes to terminal equipment 9D. A first image data collation part 6 of terminal equipment 9D which has received the identification data is configured to use data related to the image of the trading card 2 as the collation image data of the trading card 2, and to store the data in association with the received identification data in the first image database 4.