Sequential Operations in LogicWeb

Sequential tasks cannot be effectively handled in logic programming based on classical logic or linear logic. This limitation can be addressed by using a fragment of Japaridze'sSequential tasks cannot be effectively handled in logic programming based on classical logic or linear logic. This limitation can be addressed by using a fragment of Japaridze's computability logic. We propose \seqweb, an extension to LogicWeb with sequential goal formulas. SeqWeb extends the LogicWeb by allowing goals of the form $G\seqand G$ and $G\seqor G$ where $G$ is a goal. These goals allow us to specify both sequential-conjunctive and sequential-disjunctive tasks. computability logic. We propose \seqweb, an extension to LogicWeb with sequential goal formulas. SeqWeb extends the LogicWeb by allowing goals of the form $G\seqand G$ and $G\seqor G$ where $G$ is a goal. These goals allow us to specify both sequential-conjunctive and sequential-disjunctive tasks.