Records of south american Notonectidae mainly from the Amazon-region
The material on which this publication is based has been collected for the greater part during investigations sponsored by the “Max-Planck Institut fur Limnologie, Abt. Tropenokologie”, at Plon (director Prof. Dr. H. Sioli), and the “Institute Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia” at Manaus and Brasilia (director Prof. Dr. D. Batista). Other specimens have been included from the Copenhagen, Leiden and Wageningen Museums and the Zoological Institute at Leningrad. The following abbreviations indicate at which collection the specimens have been deposited: A., I.N.P.A. at Manaus; B., Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen at Brussels; K., Zoologiske Museum at Copenhagen; L., Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie at Leiden; Len., Zoological Institute of Leningrad; W., Entomologisch Laboratorium at Wageningen.