Green Marketing Management

Part I: INTRODUCTION. 1. An Overview of Green Marketing. Introduction to green marketing. Why study green marketing? Groups that need to understand green marketing. 2. An Overview of Strategic Green Planning. Green marketing planning. Incorporating a green perspective into the mission statement. Integrating a green mission into objectives, strategy, and marketing tactics. The interaction between strategy and the environment. Delivering value to all stakeholders. How this text is organized to help understand green marketing. Part II: THE CONSUMPTION-ENVIRONMENT INTERFACE. 3. The Environment and Consumption. Understand the interaction between environment and consumption. Human influences on climate change. Understand sources of energy and their use across international regions. Human influences on the atmosphere. Human influences on water. Human influences on land. Human influences on biodiversity. 4. The Environmental Effects of Consumption. Identify environmental action designed to reduce climate change. Understand efforts to influence the supply and demand for energy. Environmental action designed to reduce human influences on the atmosphere. Environmental action designed to reduce human influences on water. Environmental action designed to reduce human influences on land. Environmental action designed to reduce human influences on biodiversity. The role of energy conservation efforts to limit climate change and pollution. Part III: PROVIDING VALUE VIA SUSTAINABLE MARKETING STRATEGIES. 5. Discovering Value via Market Analysis. Introduction. Market segmentation. Target marketing. Market positioning. 6. Communicating Value. Introduction. Integrated marketing communication. Message strategy. Green branding. Certification labeling. Demarketing. 7. Producing Value via Innovation. Introduction. Product innovation framework. Product innovation: Idea generation. Product innovation: Preliminary assessment. Product innovation: Business case preparation. Product innovation: Product development. Product innovation: Test market & validation. Product innovation: Full production & follow-up. Process innovation. 8. Delivering Value via Sustainable Supply Cycle Strategies. Introduction. Diagnosing the elements of sustainable supply cycles. Benefits of sustainable supply cycles. Sustainable logistics. ISO 14000. 9. Delivering Value in Retailing. Introduction. The central role of retailing in the supply cycles. Marketing sustainable product lines. Marketing sustainable consumption 10. Declaring Value via Sustainable Pricing Strategies. Introduction. Internal pricing constraints. Customer demand. Legal constraints. Competitive action. Corporate mission and pricing objectives. Pricing strategies. Part IV: MACRO-ECONOMIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION. 11. The Role of Household Consumption. Influences of households on energy consumption. The consumer decision-making process. Sustainable marketing action designed to influence pre-purchase decisions. Sustainable marketing action designed to influence purchases. Sustainable marketing action designed to influence consumption. Sustainable marketing action designed to influence post-purchase decisions. 12. Energy Consumption in the Services Sector. Introduction: Service sector contributors to carbon emissions. Non-food retailing. Food retailing. Offices and administrative buildings. Educational institutions. Health care. Lodging. 13. Transportation. Introduction: Transportation sector contributors to carbon emissions. Personal modes of transportation. Mass transit. Freight transportation. 14. The Role of Industrial Consumption. Primary industrial contributors to carbon emissions. Carbon emissions associated with steel production. Carbon emissions in the non-metallic minerals industry. Carbon emissions endemic to chemical production. Carbon emissions associated with the paper and pulp industries. Industrial standards that seek to limit carbon emissions. Part V: GREEN MARKETING AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING. 15. Monitoring and Reporting Sustainability Efforts. Introduction. Benefits of reporting value. Reporting economic value. Reporting social value. Reporting environmental value. Benchmarking performance.