Photovoltaic engineering handbook

TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES Solar cell technologies PHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATOR The photovoltaic generator Network of solar cells, modules, and arrays PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Storage batteries for photovoltaic power systems Electronic regulation Power conditioning Adaptation of a positive-displacement pump directly connected to a photovoltaic generator Centrifugal photovoltaic pumping CHARACTERIZATION AND TESTING METHODS International test procedures for photovoltaic modules Asian Institute of Technology photovoltaic module test bed system Testing of photovoltaic modules under natural conditions using the Asian Institute of Technology photovoltaic module test bed system Characterization procedure of photovoltaic refrigeration system Field trial procedure for a photovoltaic pumping system under natural conditions Battery-testing method for low-water-loss and starting, lighting, and ignition (automotive) batteries SIZING PROCEDURE The sizing of stand-alone photovoltaic power systems A dynamic simulation approach Prediction of photovoltaic system performance using cumulative frequency curves of irradiance ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Financial evaluation of renewable energy projects Comparative assessment of photovoltaics and handpumps for rural water supply Life-cycle cost comparison of alternative power supply for a portable pocket-sized stereo cassette tape recorder INSTRUMENTATION A simple metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor electronic variable load Equipment accommodation Terminology REFERENCES INDEX