Magnetic Properties of Matter, Proceedings of the National School: New Developments and Magnetism's Applications

Microscopic formulation of magnetic interactions macroscopic magnetism magnetization's processes, P. Allia soft magnetic materials F. Fiorillo permanent magnets, A. Paoluzzi magnetoelastic devices, C. Lunponio microwave devices, R. Marcelli magnetism in thin films and multilayers, A. Rettori film and multilayers perparation - "physical techniques", G. Sberveglieri magnetoresistance (ordinary, anisotropic and giant) - applications, G. Turilli film and multilayers - preparation "chemical techniques", P. Cavallotti magnetic and magneto-optical recording, E. Terrenzio nanostructured materials, D. Fiorani nanostructured magnetic materials - applications, F. Vinai molecular magnets, D. Gatteschi magnets "spring and enhanced remanence", M. Solzi artificial magnetic nanoparticle systems, M. Ghidini.