Randomized dose-comparison studies of intravitreous fomivirsen for treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis that has reactivated or is persistently active despite other therapies in patients with AIDS.
B. Gazzard | R. Danis | S. Lightman | V. Klauss | S. Crooke | G. Jaffe | A. Palestine | D. Goldstein | D. Boyer | A. Tufail | G. Holland | J. Lalezari | K. Frost | C. Muccioli | J. Perez | M. Fisher | M. Johnson | J. Gastaut | R. Fish | R. Belfort | R. Whitley | S. Ransome | M. Cornish | V. Knospe | R. Lanz | L. Grillone | C. Territo | James M. Weisz | Jw Chandler | S. Hutcherson | S. Cowen | J. Diamond | R. Lieberman | D. Andreu-Andreu | J. G. Deschennes | D. SmetdeM. | H. Gumbel | J. Mallolas-Masferrer | D. L. Kishner | S. L. Hutscherson