A Language for Building Verified Software Components
Gregory Kulczycki | Murali Sitaraman | Bruce W. Weide | Nighat Yasmin | Wayne D. Heym | Joan Krone | Paolo Bucci | William F. Ogden | Yu-Shan Sun | Heather K. Harton | Joseph E. Hollingsworth | Hampton Smith | Diego Zaccai | Svetlana V. Drachova | Charles T. Cook | Aditi Tagore | Dustin Hoffman | Blair Durkee | B. Weide | Gregory Kulczycki | M. Sitaraman | J. Krone | W. Ogden | P. Bucci | N. Yasmin | Hampton Smith | B. Durkee | Aditi Tagore | Diego Zaccai | J. Hollingsworth | Yu-Shan Sun | W. D. Heym | D. Hoffman
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