Learning and knowledge
Introduction - Robert McCormick and Carrie Paechter Learning and Knowledge Construction PART ONE: THE NATURE OF KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING Epistemology and Education - Israel Scheffler Authentic School Science - Wolff-Michael Roth Intellectual Traditions Legitimate Peripheral Participation in Communities of Practice - Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger Perspectives on the Nature of Science - R Driver, et al The Curriculum as Socially Organised Knowledge - Michael Young Music, Music Education and the Bourgeois Aesthetic - Gary Spruce Developing a Music Curriculum for the New Millennium PART TWO: LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT Expert Knowledge and Processes of Thinking - Robert Glaser Knowledge at Work - Sylvia Scribner Practical Knowledge - Robert McCormick A View from the Snooker Table Achievement and Theories of Knowing and Learning - J G Greeno, P D Pearson and A H Schoenfeld Meaning and Values in Test Validation - Samuel Messick The Science and Ethics of Assessment PART THREE: LEARNING IN DOMAINS On Understanding the Nature of Scientific Knowledge - Susan Carey and Carol Smith Medical Education Or The Art of Keeping a Balance Between Science and Pragmatics - H P A Boshuizen Mathematics (Grades 7-12) - Steven R Williams Some Voices Are More Equal than Others - Carrie Paechter Subject and Other in the School Curriculum Content as Context - Pamela L Grossman and Susan S Stodolsky The Role of School Subjects in Secondary School Teaching