Habitat amount, temperature and biotic interactions drive community structure, life-history traits, and performance traits of cavity-nesting bees and wasps and their natural enemies in cities

Urban ecosystems are associated with socio-ecological conditions that can filter and promote taxa. However, the strength of the effect of ecological filtering on biodiversity could vary among biotic and abiotic factors. Here, we investigate the effects of habitat amount, temperature, and host-enemy biotic interactions in shaping communities of cavity-nesting bees and wasps (CNBW) and their natural enemies. We installed trap-nests in 80 sites distributed along urban intensity gradients in 5 European cities (Antwerp, Paris, Poznan, Tartu and Zurich). We quantified the species richness and abundance of CNBW hosts and their natural enemies, as well as two performance traits (survival and parasitism) and two life-history traits (sex ratio and number of offspring per nest for the hosts). We analysed the importance of the abiotic and biotic variables using generalized linear models and multi-model inference. We found that habitat amount and temperature were the main drivers of CNBW host responses, with larger habitat amounts resulting in higher species richness and abundance, and a larger total number of brood cells per nest for both bees and wasps, as well as a larger probability of survival for bees. Conversely, higher local temperatures decreased species richness, abundance, survival rate, number of brood cells per nest, and proportion of females in CNBW hosts. Biotic interactions with natural enemies shaped wasp species richness, with higher levels of parasitism resulting in more wasp species. Similarly, our results showed direct density-dependence between CNBW hosts and their natural enemies. Overall, our study highlights the importance of habitat amount and temperature in shaping urban food webs, through direct effects on hosts responses and the subsequent consequences for their natural enemies. As cities prepare to tackle the future consequences of global change, strategies that make it possible to maintain available habitat and mitigate urban overheating emerge as a key urban adaptation for biodiversity conservation.

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