The Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE's) Trip Generation and Parking Generation reports are two of the institute's most widely known and utilized references. In the early 1980's ITE expanded beyond the realm of vehicle trip generation in creating the Parking Generation Informational Report. Updated in 1987, this report has not been reissued or update since, leaving the understanding of parking demand nearly two decades in the past. Since that time substantial parking data has been submitted to ITE. In the intervening 14 years since the last edition, the means of communication and sharing data have changed dramatically. Now the opportunity to not only update Parking Generation but also revolutionize the means of sharing it with the transportation profession is here. At the 1999 ITE Annual Meeting in Law Vegas, the update to Parking Generation Informational Report began. Since that time all the historic data in ITE's files has been reviewed, the data has been organized into Excel spreadsheets and ways have been identified to utilize the web for data entry. A small Task Force was formed that met at the 2000 Annual Meeting in Nashville. The Task Force focused on means of collection more data and how the data may best be presented.