Accuracy, Sensitivity, and Correlation of FEA-Computed Coastdown Rolling Resistance3

Abstract This research deals with finite element analysis (FEA) predictions of coastdown rolling resistance as outlined by the SAE J2452 test procedure. The proposed method employs a phenomenological formulation of hysteresis which considers the effects of strain, strain rate, and temperature. Through specifically designed test conditions, material parameters are established for typical tire rubber components. The strain and strain rate histories at the cross section integration points are obtained from a static FEA of a loaded tire for one tire revolution and the desired speed. In subsequent postprocessing, the locations of the octahedral shear strain reversal in tire volume are found, and then rolling resistance is calculated by assuming an isothermal analysis. The simulation sensitivity to modeling considerations, including geometry accuracy and FE mesh resolution, on predicted rolling losses is pointed out. The applicability of the present approach to daily product engineering is discussed through ben...