Oxidative stress and the molecular biology of antioxidant defenses.
The oxygen paradox - biochemistry of active oxygen redox regulation by the HIV-1 TAT transcritional factor oxidative damage to DNA and its repair the antioxidative stress in eukaryotes transcriptional regulators of oxidative stress responses oxidative stress, gene expression and the aging process superoxide dismutases in bacteria and pathogen protists superoxide dismutase - studies in the yeast "saccharomyces cerevisiae" molecular genetics of superoxide dismutases in plants bacterial catalases biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology of yeast and fungal catalases catalases in plants - gene structure, properties, regulation and expression the structure of catalases mediation of signal transduction by oxidants the oxidative burst and its roles in signal transduction and response of stressed plants the NADPH oxidase of leukocytes osicative burst-mediated defense responses in plant disease resistance gluta-thione reductase - regulation and role in oxidative stress oxidative stress in mitochondria oxygen metabolism and electron transport in photosynthesis ascorbate peroxidase and monodehydroscorbate reducatase - key enzymes for hydrogen peroxide-scavenging system in plants oxidandants, antioxidants and aging reactive oxygen and apoptosis role of "sod" in neurodegenerative disease free radicals - dietary advantages and disadvantages defense against photooxidative damage in plants air pollution and free radical protection responses of plants.