Instruction and Assessment for Struggling Writers Evidence-Based Practices.

Troia, Introduction. Part I: Theoretical Grounding: The Nature of Writing Problems in Struggling Writers. Berninger, Garcia, Abbott, Multiple Processes That Matter in Writing Instruction and Assessment. Klassen, Welton, Self-Efficacy and Procrastination in the Writing of Students with Learning Disabilities. Part II: Contemporary Classroom Writing Instruction and Struggling Writers. Troia, Lin, Monroe, Cohen, The Effects of Writing Workshop Instruction on the Performance and Motivation of Good and Poor Writers. Shanahan, Connecting Reading and Writing Instruction for Struggling Learners. Englert, Okolo, Mariage, Informational Writing across the Curriculum. Part III: Teaching Composing to Struggling Writers. Graham, Olinghouse, Harris, Teaching Composing to Students with Learning Disabilities: Scientifically Supported Recommendations. Nelson, Roth, Van Meter, Written Composition Instruction and Intervention for Students with Language Impairment. Graves, Rueda, Teaching Written Expression to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners. MacArthur, Using Technology to Teach Composing to Struggling Writers. Part IV: Teaching Spelling to Struggling Writers. Moats, Teaching Spelling to Students with Language and Learning Disabilities. Low, Siegel, Spelling and English Language Learning. Part V: Assessment of Writing by Struggling Writers. Gearhart, Classroom Portfolio Assessment for Writing. Benson, Campbell, Assessment of Student Writing with Curriculum-based Measurement. Scott, Language-based Assessment of Written Expression.